
Hutchies would like to thank the amazing work from our agency friends Bigfish for this website built on their TANK platform.
Bigfish have worked with Hutchies for several years on a number of our key online tools like this one. You can see their main masterpiece for us by visiting the primary Hutchinson Builders website. Their work is awesome.

Primal Design
The amazing Statim Yaga brand was designed by our friend and brand ambassador Preston Campbell and his team at Primal Design.
Preston Campbell has been instrumental in supporting the ongoing growth of Statim Yaga through various partnerships with the program and Hutchies is thrilled to have worked with him on creating our branding and a renewed story through his artwork.

Hal Oram
The original Statim Yaga brand evolved off the back of a design competition Hutchies ran in partnership with the GUMURRI faculty at Griffith University. The winning artist was Hal Oram with his piece 'Connectivity'.
Hal's artwork was used as the primary graphical representation of Hutchies' Statim Yaga initiative around Australia. This artwork now sits next to Preston Campbell's 'The Natural Way' as a collection of significant brand artworks for the Statim Yaga identity around Australia.