The Employment Parity Initiative

Hutchies has joined some of Australia’s largest companies in a partnership with the Federal Government. We are working together to close the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australian workers.


The Employment Parity Initiative was launched by the Federal Minister for Indigenous Affairs in 2015.


The aim was to harness the influence of Australia’s prominent employers to increase Indigenous participation in the workforce.


The National Indigenous Australians Agency (formerly the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet) has set an ambitious target of placing an additional 20,000 First Australians into private sector jobs by 2020.


The Minister asked CEOs to champion the cause within their business and broader community to help close the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australian workers.


Hutchies has set its own target to train and place 550 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander jobseekers into employment within the construction industry by 2020.


Over the last four years, we have achieved great success in this endeavour. We strive to continue building on these accomplishments.